
Daily spoonful of cider vinegar good for heart

Apple cider vinegar helps improve levels of good cholesterol.

A daily spoonful or two of apple cider vinegar is good for your heart, reports the Daily Mail. Researchers say it helps increase levels of good cholesterol.

Half of the 120 participants in Minnesota clinical trials were given the vinegar and the other half placebos. After eight weeks, people who received the apple cider vinegar had improved levels of good cholesterol (HDL) compared with those given the placebo.

The study confirms an earlier separate study with diabetic animals, which showed apple cider vinegar lowered levels of bad cholesterol and improved levels of good cholesterol.

A common home remedy for arthritis and gout, apple cider vinegar has been shown to lower blood sugar levels and reduce appetite. It is believed that the vinegar speeds up the processing of fats.