
Almonds strengthen immune system

Skin of almonds helps the body fight viruses that cause flu and colds.

Have a cold? Eat almonds. According a recent study, almonds can help the body fight viruses that cause fever and influenza, reports The Telegraph.

Not only are the nuts tasty, but their skin can help improve immune system and respond to various infections.

A recent study from the Institute of Food Research in Norwich, UK, and the Polyclinic University in Messina, Italy, found that almond skin can increase the ability of white blood cells to detect virus while enhancing prevention of the spread of the virus in the body. Also, almonds digested in the stomach continue to improve immunity to fight viruses.

“Skin off almonds are capable of stimulating and adding immunity,” said Dr. Giuseppina Mandalari of the Institute of Food Research.

However, more research is necessary since it is unclear which component in the skin of the almond helps combat the viruses that cause fever, flu, colds, and even herpes simplex virus 2.