
The Hobbit to stay in New Zealand

Negotiations manage to keep The Hobbit film production in New Zealand.

After extensive negotiations between the Government of New Zealand and Warner Bros., it has been confirmed that the two Hobbit films will be filmed in the country.

New Zealand Prime Minister, John Keys announced at a press conference that production will begin in New Zealand in February. “Making the two Hobbit movies here will not only safeguard work for thousands of New Zealanders, but it will also follow the success of the Lord of the Rings trilogy in once again promoting New Zealand on the world stage."

Peter Jackson had threatened to shoot abroad due to a labour dispute with unions that wanted to force the production to negotiate an illegal collective agreement. Jackson had sharply criticized the organization, says the Hollywood Reporter.

The Screen Actors Guild and American Federation of Television and Radio Artists finally lifted their boycott last October 21st, allowing production staff to work on this production.

British actor, Martin Freeman, has won the title role of Bilbo Baggins. The first Hobbit film will be released in theatres in December 2012, and the second in December 2013.