
Skipping breakfast increases heart disease risk

New study reveals long-term risks to skipping most important meal of the day.

After monitoring over 2,000 people for more than 20 years, researchers discovered that regularly skipping breakfast increases your risk of heart disease, according to a new study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Leaving the house on an empty stomach predisposes one to high cholesterol and obesity, especially significant fat reserves around the abdomen—all major risk factors for cardiovascular disease. It often leads to increases in insulin levels, a warning sign for the development of diabetes.

Scientists believe people who do not eat breakfast are also more likely to snack on sugary foods, to exercise less, and have a general lower intake of fibre, vitamins and minerals.

The risks can begin as early as childhood, with the result of skipped breakfasts showing up in the early 20s. A leading dietician noted that missing breakfast was a ‘marker’ for an unhealthy or chaotic lifestyle.