
Gaga wins YouTube race with Bieber

Lady Gaga beats Justin Bieber to one billion YouTube views.

This month, fans of Justin Bieber and Lady Gaga were probably glued to YouTube’s view counter to see which of their favourite artists would reach the magical one billion views mark. Until now, no other artist, personality or clip had yet managed this feat.

However on Sunday morning (October 24), pop singer Lady Gaga crossed the finish line first on this virtual race, managing to overtake Justin Bieber, who was nearing 963 million views.

Sunday morning the provocative pop singer thanked her fans for helping to drive up the number of views of her various music videos, Tweeting: “We reached 1 Billion views on youtube little monsters! If we stick together we can do anything. I dub u kings and queens of youtube! Unite!”

Although Lady Gaga, 24, has an impressive collection of videos and was favoured to reach one billion first, Bieber has managed to keep up with only a few videos to his credit, and is predicted to take the lead shortly.

Bieber, 16, holds the record for the single most watched video with Baby, viewed on YouTube by 365 million people. Bieber fans can get more of face time by checking out the online trailer of his upcoming 3-D bio-pic due to be released in February.