
Lindsay Lohan on reality TV?

Actress’ mom is shopping for reality TV deals for daughter.


While Lindsay Lohan, 24, returned to rehab last month after a failing two court-ordered drug tests, her mother, Dina Lohan, is trying to set up a reality show about her daughter’s current stint in rehab, according to

The idea for the show is to follow LiLo through the treatment programme at the Betty Ford Centre in Palm Springs, California.

 “Not only has Dina been ‘shopping’ around her upcoming trip to visit Lindsay in rehab at Betty Ford to media outlets for the sale of pictures but she is doing it to develop a new reality show!” a source said.

Meanwhile, Michael Lohan, father of the star, who was divorced from Dina in 2005, accuses his ex of using their daughter’s misfortune to advance her own career.

“She can’t get a show about her own life, so she’s using Lindsay’s troubles to get her a reality show,” he told RadarOnline.

Michael Lohan, estranged from his famous daughter, wants desperately to visit her and has called the head of rehab facility.

Lindsay Lohan is back before the judge for her probation hearing on October 22.