
One in four eat unhealthy diet

Majority of physicians blame snacking as the main factor in nutritional imbalance.


According to a study by MediQual Research for Seb, 75 per cent of the 295 French GPs surveyed observed dietary imbalances in more than 25 per cent of their patients.
The most frequent nutritional no-no for adults was eating too quickly at the office, at their  desk or on the fly (93 per cent of cases), eating take-out meals (85 per cent) and a diet that is too high in fat (75 per cent).
For children, the main nutritional issues were: too much sugar (91 per cent of cases), snacking (82 per cent) and an insufficiently varied diet (78 per cent). To help explain these imbalances, 7 out of 10 doctors blame lack of meal preparation in the home, the absence of structured meals, and a generally low level of nutritional knowledge.
Interesting in light of the new website touted by Seb offering recipes and nutritional advice:
The study points out that an unbalanced diet can lead to weight gain, diabetes, high cholesterol and hypertension. It is essential then to make well-informed nutritional choices.