
Taylor Swift on love and romance

Pop singer’s honest confession about the trials and tribulations of love and romance.



Pop singer Taylor Swift, 20, who has dated Twilight actor Taylor Lautner and singer Joe Jonas, admits she is confused about love and has occasionally leapt before she looked, reports

With the same thoughtful insight she brings to her songwriting, Swift confessed: "At times I’ve been really guarded and careful and afraid to trust someone. But other times, you want to jump in headfirst. I’ve had moments of thinking, This is who I love and I don’t care what anyone says. Those moments are beautiful and wild and exciting, but I’ve learned that those moments can end up hurting you in the end.
"I’ve been careful in love. I’ve been careless in love. And I’ve had adventures I wouldn’t trade for anything,” admits the pop star.
Regarding the guy of her dreams, the star says she is looking for someone who is passionate about their work, respectable, honest and trustworthy.
When she was younger, she admits that a boy’s type of car would impress her, but “Now, none of that matters. These days I look for character and honesty and trust.”
Swift’s new album, Speak Now, will be released later this month on October 25. Her previous album, Fearless, sold more than 10 million copies and earned the singer an impressive array of awards.