
Jonas Brothers surprise school concert

Band of brothers hands out free school supplies and holds impromptu concert.

The Jonas Brothers have taken full advantage of their celebrity power to benefit the students of a Los Angeles school.

Young students from the Los Feliz Charter School for the Arts are still pinching themselves to make sure it wasn’t all a dream. Last Tuesday (September 21), the band of brothers treated them to an impromptu concert while handing out free school supplies, courtesy of OfficeMax.

The school’s project manager told E! Online: "I thought some of the students were going to pass out! It was amazing, the boys were great. I’ve never met people so selfless. They were so interested in the school. We are very grateful to them and Office Max. Our teachers each got $1,000 worth of school supplies, too."

The boys also took the time to mingle with the elementary school students and sign autographs. The Jonas Brothers go back on the road October 15 for a series of 13 concerts in South America.