
Arrest warrant issued for Lindsay Lohan

Actress to appear in court Friday morning.

Judge Elden Fox issued a bench warrant for Lindsay Lohan after the actress failed court-ordered drug testing. Her probation has been revoked and the starlet has been ordered to appear before the court at 8:30 a.m. on Friday. She could face another 30 days in jail, states Us magazine.

Initially, Lohan denied the test results, but finally confessed on Twitter. "Unfortunately, I failed my last test and if they ask me, I am ready to appear before Judge Fox…”

The actress may finally be overcoming her denial since she wrote, "Drug addiction is a disease which, unfortunately, does not disappear overnight and I work every day. It is certainly a setback for me, but I take responsibility for my actions and I am ready to face the consequences.”

Lohan was already on probation after being charged with impaired driving in 2007. She recently spent 13 days in jail and 23 days in rehab for violating the conditions of her release.

At the same time yesterday (September 20), the starlet received some good news when it was announced that her $100 million lawsuit against E*Trade had been settled.  She sued the company for an advertisement that depicted a talking baby named Lindsay who identified herself as a "Milkaholic. The terms of settlement remain confidential.