
Eating watercress daily helps prevent breast cancer

Watercress can help curb the growth of cancerous tumours.

The Daily Mail reports a study found eating watercress every day could help prevent breast cancer.

Identified as a "super food", watercress can help turn off a signal in the body and deprive a tumour of blood and oxygen, two elements essential to its growth.

Researchers at the University of Southampton found that the compound in watercress, phenylethyl isothiocyanate (PElTC), which gives it a peppery taste can also interfere with the function of a protein that plays a key role in the development of cancer.

Volunteers ate 80 grams of watercress every day, the equivalent of a bowl of cereal. It was found that watercress was actually an effective ally against the growth of breast cancer.

Watercress is the richest natural source of PElTC. This is the compound that inhibits most tumours.