
Sandra takes the high road

Sandra Bullock supports her ex-husband’s decision to move to Texas.

Oscar winner Sandra Bullock wants to set the record straight. She is happy her ex-husband is moving to Texas to live near her for the sake of his children. But that’s it, that’s all.

The actress stated: "I support Jesse in his move to Austin. We have both moved on with our lives and only want the best for each other. Anything else that is said on my behalf is inaccurate."

Bullock has a home in the Austin area where she moved to raise her newly adopted baby, Louis. Before she divorced Jesse James, she was very close to his three children from previous relationships, Chandler, 15, 12-year-old Jesse Jr. and six-year-old Sunny.

Now the children will be able to maintain a relationship with her. A source revealed: "The only reason Sandy gave the green light to Jesse to move to Austin was because she wants to maintain a relationship with his children. Sandy loves those children but she has absolutely no intention of getting back together with Jesse, ever."

Sandra Bullock ended her marriage after she found out her husband had been unfaithful with a string of women. She does not want the split to negatively affect the children and wants to remain a part of their lives.