
Wedding bells for Lily Allen

Lily Allen plans to marry her boyfriend and the father of her unborn child.

British singer Lily Allen has been over the moon since finding out she is pregnant with her first child. The father is 32-year old Sam Cooper. Friends of the happy couple say they are talking about tying the knot before the stork pays a visit.

A source revealed: "Marriage has never been a big deal to them, but now their friends are saying they may well marry just before the baby is born or just soon after."

Lily Allen and her man are rumoured to be looking at homes in the British countryside because they don’t want to raise their child in London. She has said in the past that she will be a hands-on mother who will not rely on nannies to raise her children.

A source claimed: "They are looking for a new house in the Cotswolds, somewhere near her dad’s place, as it’ll be more peaceful than raising a baby in London."