
Too good to be true?

Friends worry that Jessica Simpson’s new boyfriend is just using her for her fame.

Jessica Simpson is one celebrity famous for being unlucky in love. The divorced singer/actress was even dumped by one boyfriend on her birthday. (Remember Dallas Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo?) Things seemed to be looking up for the star when she started dating former NFLer Eric Johnson in May.
Now friends are speaking out about their concerns that the football player is only with Simpson because she is famous. Johnson is a Yale graduate but that doesn’t impress some of Jessica Simpson’s friends.
One person close to Simpson told the Chicago Sun-Times: "I don’t care if he’s so smart and all that, I get the sense he’s more interested in people knowing he’s dating Jessica Simpson rather than truly caring about Jess and her needs."
Another friend went even farther, stating that Johnson was nothing but a "fame wh*re… the kind of guy who is really into dating famous women".
Eric Johnson has friends too. One of his buddies spoke out and insisted his feelings for Simpson are real. The friend proclaimed: "Bulls**t! That’s totally ridiculous and wrong. He is a really good guy and he’s as nuts about Jessica as she is about him."