
Kanye West drops in

The rapper makes some surprise visits to promote his new music.

Kanye West dropped by Rolling Stone last Friday (July 30) to talk about his album being released in September. He shared: "Everyone says all great art comes from pain but I think my greatest art comes from excitement and joy."

West spent nearly two hours at the magazine and performed several new songs. Rolling Stone reported: "Other songs featured some of Kanye’s most adventurous and experimental music yet: heavy beats, cellos, sparse piano lines, fuzzed-out electric guitar solos, and spooky sci-fi melodies."

The controversial rapper mused about what the future holds for him. He stated: "There’s people throughout history that their responsibility is to be conveyors of truth onto [the] next generations. I feel like I’m that type of person that has to carry on the truth and tell the story not history."

Kanye West also decided to join the Twitter world. He signed up during a surprise visit to the company’s headquarters in San Francisco last Wednesday (July 28) and already has more than 380,000 followers. He also showed up at Facebook’s HQ in Palo Alto and performed four songs. Fans can check out the surprise table performances on YouTube.