
Sugar increases the risk of pancreatic cancer

Eating foods made from refined sugar increase the risk of developing pancreatic cancer.

Italian and American researchers say people who often eat high-glycemic index foods such as white bread, cakes, refined grains, sweets or jam are more likely to develop pancreatic cancer.

According to their study, those with a high-glycemic index diet were 78% more likely to have this form of cancer. Results were published in the Annals of Epidemiology

This is the conclusion they reached after studying the eating habits of 1,000 Italian adults, one-third of whom had pancreatic cancer.

According to statistics, there are 4,000 new cases of pancreatic cancer diagnosed in Canada each year. This terrible disease unfortunately counts 3,900 victims annually.

One way to protect against this type of cancer is to eat lots of fruit. While sugar increases the risk, eating fruit on a regular basis reduces the chances of getting sick.