Pets Files

Vacationing with your pet-planning : A little planning goes a long way

Whether it’s a pet-friendly cottage, hotel or motel, or visiting friends and family—it’s always better when Rover gets to come along on the family vacation.

Want to go for a car ride?
Most dogs’ ears perk up at the idea of a little road trip. They seem to like getting away from it all, too. When a dog goes on vacation, perhaps they sense they can relax and not have to worry about important security issues like barking at the letter carrier. For some dogs, it’s all about the water, and many of them love to swim.

Not quite a diaper bag …
For a long day in the car, packing for your dog can be like packing for a baby!
– Water and bowl (for rest stops every couple of hours or so)
– Medications
– Food quantity to last for the vacation (large – Tupperware-type container is easy to travel with and use)
– Treats
– Poop ‘n scoop bags
– Brushes, combs, grooming products
– Toys, balls
– Pet bed
– Leash and tie-out
For cats, don’t forget the litter box.

Your pet’s collar should have some sort of ID tag, just in case. If your dog’s excited about a car ride, be sure to have them go before they get in the car.

If your pet is hyper or anxious beyond all hope—think Chihuahua on espresso—you may want to talk to your vet about some calming drugs from the ‘zepam’ family like maybe Valium in a pet-friendly dose.

Pet Guest Etiquette
Check with your host about general household routines—like what time they get up, and what time they go to bed. They don’t need to be awakened by Rover barking at a squirrel at 6 am, or at night with him pacing nervously in his new environment. Try to harmonize to their schedule as much as possible—and you might even be asked back for another visit!

Regular Mealtimes
Your pet should be fed after you eat –unless it’s quite late and breaks up their usual routine. Ask your host where you can set up a convenient place to feed and water your pet—and when the best time is to feed them. Dogs seem to prefer each other’s food, so if there’s more than one dog, you may have to feed them in shifts just to make sure no one goes hungry.

Waste Disposal
You might think this is obvious, but we’ll say it anyway: Always pick up after your dog as soon as possible, and ask your hosts which garbage you should use. For cats, use your common sense especially your nose if it’s starting to smell something a little funky. Like many cat owners, if you’re accustomed to the lingering odour of cat urine, get someone else’s opinion.

Animal House rules
Are pets allowed on the furniture? In the pool? On the beach? If you’re lucky, you’ll have easygoing, pet-loving hosts. If you’re not, you’ll find out pretty quickly when they make faces at Rover’s sandy paws or eau de wet dog.

It’s funny—some folks want to like pets but are so fussy and neat that they don’t appear pet-friendly at all. That is until they get a dog. Next thing you know, wet dog smell is fine, sandy paws get shrugged off, and you’re mentally shaking your head—what have you done with my neat freak friends?