
Women are better multi-taskers

Women outperform men when doing a variety of tasks at the same time.

It has long been said that men are incapable of doing more than one thing at once. However, no study has actually looked into the phenomenon until now.

The Telegraph reports psychologists have just proven that women are actually better at multitasking.

Researchers asked 50 men and 50 women to perform three tasks at the same time in eight minutes. They had to find a solution to a mathematical problem, find a restaurant on a map and develop a strategy for finding a lost key in an imaginary field. In addition, participants received a telephone call that they were free to answer or not. If they did answer, they were given an additional general knowledge test while they continued to perform the other three tasks.

The study found women were able to perform all four tasks simultaneously, compared to men who performed worse when it came to developing a strategy to look for the lost key.

Professor Keith Laws is a psychologist at the University of Hertfordshire who led the research. He commented: "It shows that women are better at being able to stand back and reflect for a moment while they are juggling other things."