
Weight loss pills are ineffective

Weight loss supplements have a placebo effect.


According to the Daily Mail, weight loss pills do not work. Experts claim that taking these supplements are a waste of money and time and say they should be banned.

Even though pills can claim to boost metabolism, help burn fat and reduce appetite, scientists found that supplements do not work.

This discovery is news to many women who rely on this type of pills to slim down or maintain their weight.

Researcher Dr. Thomas Ellrott works at the University of Gottingen Medical School in Germany.

He commented: "There are scores of slimming supplements out there claiming weight-loss effects through all sorts of mechanisms of action… The market for these is huge, but unlike for regulated drugs, effectiveness does not have to be proven for these to be sold."

Dr. Ellrott replaced nine types of weight loss pills with a placebo to discover their true effects.

Men and women who participated in the study did not know if they were taking the weight loss pills or a placebo for eight weeks.

The astonishing conclusion: most study participants lost weight, regardless of whether they were taking the real weight loss pills or the placebo.