
Lindsay Lohan sentenced to 90 days in prison.

Lindsay Lohan sentenced to three months in the pen and three months’ rehab.

Marsha Revel, judge of the Superior Court of Los Angeles, had warned Lindsay Lohan that she was fed up with her bogus excuses. Revel had already placed Lohan on probation following her DUI arrest, fitted Lohan with a SCRAM alcohol-monitoring bracelet and administered random drug tests. But the judge nevertheless sentenced her to 90 days in prison yesterday (July 6), reports People.

Furthermore, within two days of her release, the actress will be required to check in for three months of rehab. Alcohol is also prohibited until the end of Lohan’s probation in August 2011.

Lohan shed tears during her latest court appearance, after she violated her probation by neglecting to attend weekly alcohol-education classes.

 "I did everything I was told. I’m consistent. I do not take this as a joke. It’s my life, my career. I do not want you to think that I do not respect you, "said the starlet.

But her tears had no effect on the judge, who added that there was no excuse for her absences.

Lohan’s sentence will begin July 20. It remains unclear whether she’s likely to be released before she serves her full sentence.