The White House under Trump had a drug problem

The White House under Trump had a drug problem

An investigation by the Defense Department’s Office of Inspector General has revealed alarming information about the White House medical unit under the Trump administration.

The in-depth report highlights problems with the administration of prescription drugs, including the over-prescribing of drugs to employees who were not entitled to them and the lack of proper records, NBC comprehensively reports.

Reports covering pharmacy practices between 2017 and 2019 highlighted instances where Medical Unit dispensed controlled drugs such as Ambien (a sedative) or Provigil (a stimulant), without verifying patients’ identities.

Witnesses interviewed during the investigation revealed a disturbingly lax approach to drug distribution. They even failed to complete the necessary formalities for non-controlled substances, and sometimes distributed drugs such as Provigil as gifts to departing employees!

The investigation also shed light on how the White House medical unit procured large quantities of opioids such as fentanyl and morphine.

Fentanyl is of particular concern because of its potency and its role in the opioid epidemic plaguing the United States.

According to the report, the White House medical unit’s distribution methods demonstrate a disturbing disregard for federal regulations and guidelines established by the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA). The report cites lack of oversight as the primary factor contributing to the mishandling of drugs.

The Inspector General’s report also revealed that thousands of people who were not eligible for care received care by proxy. This practice violated federal laws and regulations, as well as Department of Defense policies.

The Pentagon has accepted the Inspector General’s recommendations to improve administrative oversight and compliance with drug distribution policy.

The clinic is responsible for the day-to-day medical care of the President, Vice President, their families and White House staff.

The report does not place responsibility on the doctors or administrators.