
Olive oil prevents breast cancer

Olive oil attacks cancer on multiple fronts.

Spanish researchers were curious to know why people who consume a diet rich in olive oil have less cancer.

Researchers from the University Autònoma de Barcelona discovered the oil is particularly effective against breast cancer.

In fact, a dribble a day is enough for it to be effective. Olive oil attacks tumours on several fronts by stunting growth, forcing them to implode. In addition, it protects against potentially-cancerous damage to DNA.

After experiments on rats, researchers found the oil thwarts a gene that promotes breast tumour growth.

Another Spanish study found that olive oil "puts down" a gene associated with hardening of the arteries and heart disease.

Dr. Gerald Weissmann is editor-in-chief of the FASEB journal (Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biologies) which published the finding.

He commented: "This study is ground-breaking because it shows that olive oil and a Mediterranean diet affect our bodies in a far more significant way than previously believed."

This is not the first time the benefits of a Mediterranean olive oil-rich diet have been extolled. This diet is high in fruits, vegetables, fish and and healthy fats while low in red meat and dairy products. It has preventive effects on cancers, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.