
Too much unnecessary medicine for babies

Too many anti-GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) medications are being needlessly prescribed for young children.

30% of babies under one regularly regurgitate what they are drinking. Unfortunately, pediatricians say that too many anti-GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) medications are prescribed unnecessarily to these children.

In the vast majority of cases, no medication is required at all. If the baby is feeding well, grows well, has no pain and does not cry, there is no need to worry as these problems will eventually disappear.

So this means that drugs such as Motilium and Primperan are often prescribed unnecessarily. Few studies have proven their effectiveness against GERD. As for domperidone, it is effective for older children only.

In addition, experts gathered at the Congress of Pediatric Societies, taking place right now in Paris, point the finger at Mopral, Inexium and Ogast. These work only in real  gastroesophageal reflux cases.

Experts also mention bronchial cough syrups which parents have recently been told to stop giving to children under two. Unfortunately, in most bronchitis cases, the best thing to do is to keep the child comfortable and wait until it passes.