
Less dangerous peanuts for people with allergies

It is now possible to create peanuts devoid of allergens.

Researchers have created a new type of peanut that is stripped of fatal allergens. This reduces the risk for millions of allergy sufferers in the world.

Works are in the experimental stage, but two separate projects are underway to reduce the allergy factor in peanuts.

One team found a way to create less allergenic peanuts and another looked at the processing method that would reduce the allergic properties in peanuts.

Peanuts are rich in protein, have a very long lifespan and are inexpensive. They are therefore an ideal food for those who don’t have allergies.

Research would have progressed more quickly but work was completely destroyed by Hurricane Katrina in 2005. New Orleans laboratories conducting the research were totally destroyed. It took nearly five years to rebuild everything.

If less allergic peanuts existed, they would cause less severe reactions in allergic people who accidentally eat it. In addition, people would be less able to develop this allergy which is constantly changing throughout the world.