
No high heels during pregnancy

A majority of pregnant women do not wear proper footwear.

More than half of women feel pressure to wear high heels to keep up with celebrity trends even when they are pregnant. Lorraine Jones from the Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists told the Daily Mail that pregnant women should nevertheless refrain from wearing high heels.

According to a survey of 1,000 pregnant women, two-thirds often wore flip flops and a third wore high heels. Over 50% also opted for ballet shoes, while 30% preferred boots.

Ms. Jones says: "Weight gain and hormonal changes in pregnancy have a huge impact on the body. Muscles and ligaments soften and stretch because of an increase in the ovarian hormone, relaxin, which makes your feet more prone to ankle and ligament strains on a daily basis. High heels alter your posture, shorten your calf muscles and place increased pressure on your back and knees."

Seven of 10 women report foot problems during their pregnancy. Women should opt for comfortable shoes with straps to support the foot and ankle.

If they must wear high heels, it should only be occasionally and only for events where they will not remain standing for long periods at a time.