
Is Kylie too old to have kids?

Kylie Minogue worries she is too old to get pregnant naturally.

Singer Kylie Minogue desperately wants to follow in her sister’s footsteps and start a family. Younger sis Danii Minogue is pregnant with her first child. But Orange News reports Kylie is worried she is too old to conceive a child naturally.
The Australian star is very excited to welcome a new member into the family when her sister gives birth next month.
Kylie Minogue is 42 and would like to start a family with her boyfriend, Andres Velencoso Segura. She worries it is too late because her 2005 battle with cancer had a severe impact on her body.
She says, "I’d love to have babies, but, it’s very hard. Perhaps if you are resolutely sure that is not the path you want to go down, that’s OK. But if there is an element of doubt, you can’t help but question it. It’s not fun."
The singer reveals she is still taking medication to ensure the cancer doesn’t return. She adds, "I have under a year until I get my five-year all clear."
Rumours circulated at the beginning of the month that Minogue and her boyfriend had split. She asked her fans to ignore speculation in the media.
Minogue has been dating Segura for 18 months. He is 10 years younger than the singing superstar.