
The end of the world as we know it

The Radiohead singer believes the old economic model is no longer viable.

Thom Yorke predicts that the model the music industry has been following since the dawn of time is on its last legs. He says it is becoming more obsolete each month and will be completely finished within a few years.

The Radiohead singer mused on the subject earlier this week. His thoughts will be part of a textbook aimed at encouraging kids to develop their political and social conscience. The book will be published soon.

He begs new groups not to adhere to the old model imposed by music labels which seem incapable of adjusting to the Web. The online music movement has taken off and Radiohead has been on board the train. Their last album In Rainbows was released online and fans were given the choice of paying what they wanted for it. Around 50% of people who downloaded the album paid zilch.

Despite its obvious success, there are people out there who stand up to contradict Thom Yorke, such as singer Lily Allen. She says that is only due to Radiohead’s extraordinary popularity and success that the band can release its album online. She adds that emerging bands  do not have the same luxury and need the support of a record label.

Allen also says that if Radiohead is so popular, it is due in part to the promotional work done on its behalf by its former record label, EMI.