
New rules on cosmetics for kids

French authorities issue new recommendations on the use of cosmetic products on babies.

After a two-year debate on the potential toxicity of ingredients in cosmetic products intended for small children, authorities take a stand and announce new rules.

The Agence française de sécurité sanitaire des produits de santé (Afssaps or French Agency for the Safety of Health Products) in France says that cosmetic products should not be used on babies born before 37 weeks.

In a press release, authorities explain: "Considering the skin permeability and metabolic immaturity of these children, the Agency does not recommend the use of cosmetic products on premature babies as long as they are in a neonatology service."

In addition, authorities recommend vigilance when it comes to the use of all cosmetic products on kids less than three years old. Young children do not have the same type of skin as adults and some products may cause irritation or even produce side effects. Products should not be used frequently.

The French health agency also asked manufacturers to minimize the number of ingredients used in the manufacture of products. It also calls on companies to produce a toxicological profile of all the known ingredients in every product they sell. Before a product is sold, it must have been subjected to clinical trials to ensure it is safe to use on the skin.

These new recommendations will be submitted to the European Commission.