
Green spaces are good for your mental health

Getting some exercise in a green space is more beneficial than in the gym or an urban setting.

Your mental health will be better if you opt to get your physical exercise in a green space. So says a new study that analyzed 10 clinical trials totalling 1,252 participants.

The study says that to maintain or improve one’s mood and self-esteem, nothing is better than to engage in physical activity in a park. The benefits are enormous for everyone, regardless of age, education, gender, health or even income level.

Green spaces are better than the gym and the city to improve one’s mental health. Improved self-esteem is greatly enhanced, especially among young people and people with mental health disorders.

Study authors recommend that urban planners give more consideration to providing the public with better access to green spaces. A walk in the park, even a light and quick one, is more beneficial than on the street or on a treadmill in the gym.