
More and more babies vaccinated against hepatitis B

The vaccination of babies against hepatitis B is on the rise since 2004.

It seems that parents have a renewed confidence in the vaccine against hepatitis B. In 2007, 42% of children had received the recommended three doses at two years of age compared to 34.5% in 2004.

Although doctors are encouraged by these results, they believe it is still not enough, according to a report in the World Health Organization’s Weekly Epidemiological Record.

It has been recommended for the past dozen years that all babies receive the vaccine against hepatitis B in three doses.

Since 1990, however, a debate has existed about possible vaccine side effects, including an increased risk of developing multiple sclerosis. Studies are contradictory, but doctors insist that the vaccine is safe and effective.

Most of the time hepatitis B causes few symptoms or no symptoms at all. But, in 5% of cases, it can turn into a chronic infection and lead to cirrhosis or even liver cancer.