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The Moncton Airport will get its body scanner

To stay competitive, the airport in Moncton, New Brunswick, will install a body scanner in the next few weeks.

The Greater Moncton International Airport has no choice: if it wants to stay nationally competitive, it must join the parade. At the moment, security measures are leading the way, even more so since the botched terrorist attack in New York City recently brought the subject to the forefront. Airline companies and national authorities are now even more nervous about the prospect that this constant threat will someday succeed in thwarting the numerous security controls already in place.

Rob Robichaud, the president and CEO of the Moncton Airport, confirmed that the body scanner is the best tool to verify if a passenger is carrying a weapon or explosive device that could kill hundreds of passengers in the case of an explosion during a flight.

According to Robichaud, the scanner will be installed and be operational in the next few weeks. Most major airports across the country are already equipped with these scanners and it is imperative that the Greater Moncton International Airport be up to date with new security technologies.