
Katy Perry is a good influence

Katy Perry is good for her future husband who is now staying on the straight and narrow.

Singer Katy Perry’s fiancé, Russell Brand, has left his roaming single days behind him. Music-News reports he thinks his comedy shows are not as much fun as they used to be because he can’t have sex with women he meets.

Engaged to Katy Perry since New Year’s Day, the British comic says: "It’s not as good, because you’re away from your actual girlfriend and you can’t have sex with all the people out there."

Brand changed when he met Katy Perry and left his womanizing, skirt-chasing ways behind him. When they began dating, Brand says he lost interest in that kind of lifestyle.

Russel Brand popped the question to Katy Perry on New Year’s Day during a romantic getaway to India. The couple plan to tie the knot later this year.

They already sent an announcement to close friends and family asking them to save the entire week of October 18 to 25 to celebrate their marriage. They added that guests will need a valid passport.

The announcement also indicated that more details would be forthcoming.