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Have you heard about the proposed Hollywood Sign Hotel?

A Danish architect proposes replacing the giant letters with a hotel in the same shape.

Danish architect Christian Bay-Jørgensen suggested the municipality of Hollywood replace the famous giant white letters with a luxury hotel. It would be in the shape of the letters and each letter would be double in size. The hotel would have 10 floors and include extras like observation decks.

In an interview with the Daily News, the architect explained his vision: "I know people are scared. I know they are afraid this idea will turn it into Disneyland. This area should be more public. I think this could be something that could improve the experience of the LA resident, to let them see the sign in a new way."

Chris Baumgart is chairman of the Hollywood Sign Trust, the group in charge of repairing, maintaining, refurbishing and raising funds to preserve the sign. He commented: "That three-dimensional hotel makes a good story, though it’s not going to happen."