
Go ahead, hate your ex!

Despising your ex after a break up can help you heal faster.

If you want to recover more quickly from a break up, it is a good idea to unleash all your hate about your ex. Having negative feelings about the former relationship will not only feel better but also helps to prevent depression, reports the journal Cognition and Education.

Researcher Christopher Fagundes from the University of Utah in the United States conducted a study of 65 students who had just ended a relationship. The relationship had to have lasted a minimum of four months.

After answering a questionnaire about that relationship, students did a computer test which associated negative feelings with words, including the name of their ex.

After analyzing the results, Mr. Fagundes says that students who had been very negative toward their former lovers just after the break up were less depressed. Thirty days after the break up, these students felt better also.

Therefore, he concludes that the more you think ill of your ex, the faster healing happens after a break up. Now, he wants to know if the fact that relatives dissed the former partner is also beneficial for the healing process.