
Quality of men’s sleep linked to testosterone levels

A decline in testosterone affects sleep quality as men age.

A team from the Université de Montréal has stumbled across a possible link between men’s sleep and testosterone.

Previous studies have found that the quality of sleep influences the level of testosterone. Although there are still a lot of unknowns and further research is needed, researchers conclude that there is indeed a link between sleep quality and the level of testosterone.

Testosterone decreases by 1 to 2% per year between the age of 30 to 40 years and men sleep less deeply in their forties.

At the Congrès de l’Association francophone pour le savoir (ACFAS) held in Montreal, researchers assessed the level of testosterone in the blood of two groups of men. The average age of the first group was 23 years whereas it was 53 years in the second group. They also measured the duration of  sleep, plus its efficiency and quality.

In the younger men, sleep was restorative, but in the second group, researchers noted the lower the level of testosterone, the more men lose 20% of their quality of deep sleep, the most important phase of rest which allows the body to recuperate.