
Pure sugar alleviates vaccine pain for babies

Babies who drink a sugar solution before receiving a vaccine cry less.

Researchers in Toronto, Australia and Brazil analyzed 14 studies where 1 to 12-month babies were randomly given a sugar solution, water or nothing at all before receiving a vaccine.

Of a total of 1,600 injections administered, it was noted in 13 studies that the babies who had drank the sugar solution cried less and for a shorter length of time than the others.

According to the Archives of Disease in Childhood, researchers also noted that babies who drank the sugar solution had a lower pain index. In babies, the pain index is measured by facial expressions, movements in the arms and legs, breathing and heart beat.

The researchers say giving a half teaspoon of sugar solution to babies under one year is sufficient to alleviate their pain. They recommend that physicians consider this option not only for immunization of toddlers, but also for other painful procedures.