
A link between ovarian hormones and breast cancer

A new finding says that ovarian hormones affect the development of breast cancer.

The journal Nature reports that Canadian researchers have discovered a link between ovarian hormones and the growth of stem cells in breasts that promote the development of breast cancer.

New research shows that progesterone modifies cells, thus preparing the groundwork for the emergence of the disease. Before, it was believed that stem cells were inactive and constant in number. But ovarian hormones alter their number.

We already knew that abnormal stem cells increase the risk of tumours in breasts, the brain, pancreas and ovaries.

In the past, it was determined that women who menstruate at an early age and who experience late menopause were at an increased risk of developing breast cancer. This is because they have a greater number of reproductive cycles in their life and that is when hormones modify stem cells the most.

Researchers hope that a better understanding of the phenomenon may lead to new therapies to combat the disease.