
Paul McCartney refuses autographs

Paul McCartney establishes rules about autograph-signing to maintain his privacy.

Sir Paul McCartney refuses fans’ autograph requests in order to enjoy his holidays, reports Orange News.
The ex-Beatle affirms that he has often felt obliged to fulfill autograph requests from fans even when he’s not working, but he has now established certain rules to protect his private life.
"I have rules. I’ve gotten older and I’ve finally realized that I have some rights," he says.
He explains that if a fan approaches him in a restaurant and asks for an autograph, he’ll say ‘I’m really sorry but I don’t do that when I’m eating. I hope you understand. I’ll shake your hand and I’ll talk to you.’
McCartney says he enjoys talking with everyday people, but as soon as he feels like a celebrity in those moments when he’s trying not to be, he’d rather not be asked for autographs.
The singer says he also has the same rule when he’s shopping.