
Do you suffer from Computer Stress Syndrome?

CSS is a new syndrome about to enter your vernacular.

Two-thirds of people who use computers are affected by a new illness called Computer Stress Syndrome or CSS.

A study was released by the Chief Marketing Officer Council. It brings together 5,000 marketing directors around the world. The study included 1,000 participants, Americans who were 16 years and older. 62% of respondents said they became anxious after a problem with their computer like a breakdown, delay, inability to connect to the Internet and restart, just to name a few.

The study sums up the anxiety of computer users: "Today’s digitally-dependent consumers are increasingly overwhelmed and upset with technical glitches and problems in their daily lives."

Computer problems increased the stress level of 42% of participants, while 39% say they had lost valuable time, 21% had lost important personal and business data. Only 7% of people said they had experienced emotional trauma after a computer problem.

94% of respondents are dependent on their computer daily and 62% admit to having a very high dependence. Nearly three-quarters of computer users did have downtime during the year but for 35% of them the pause did not exceed more than one day.

The study also indicated that people who suffer from Computer Stress Syndrome are not very polite to customer service reps which also increased stress.