
R-rated movies encourage drinking at an early age

Parents don’t pay enough attention to the films their kids watch.

According to a new study reported in the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, children who watch R-rated movies destined for adults tend to start drinking a lot younger.

Unfortunately, parents too often ignore the classification of selected films; R is not really appropriate for children.

Children who watch these films are more likely to begin drinking in adolescence.

3,600 young people were asked about movies their parents allowed them to watch. Two years later, 25% of those who could still watch R-rated movies began to drink. The rate was 19% for those who sometimes had permission to watch some movies. Only 3% of those who had never been allowed to watch R-rated films began drinking two years later.

This is consistent with a previous study that found adult content incited youth to drink, smoke and have sex at a younger age. These young people seek more thrills.

Dr. James Sargent comments, "We think that seeing adult content actually changes their personality."