
Bad habits in kids under 5

Kids under five years old are dangerously inactive.

Active Healthy Kids Canada released its 2010 report card on physical activity for youth and children. It is not good news. It reports that kids are becoming less and less active, even children under five years old.

A healthy lifestyle starts in childhood and parents need to lead by example. The whole family will win by adopting healthy habits.

Dr. Mark Tremblay is Chief Scientific Officer, Active Healthy Kids Canada, and Director of HALO. He says, "We already know that the early years are a critical period of growth and development, but growing evidence tells us that physical activity must be a fundamental part of the early-life experience. Studies show that children who are obese before six are likely to be obese later in childhood, and it’s estimated that overweight two- to five-year-olds are four times as likely to become overweight as adults. Preschool obesity is on the rise in Canada, yet we do not have physical activity guidelines for children five and under."

The report found that less than 50% of Canadian children under five are engaged in daily physical activities. In principle, those between 1 and 5 years should be active for at least two hours a day, divided in periods. Right now, they spend more time on the couch. Indeed, 90% of two-year olds already watch television.