
Courtney Love thought about ending it

The Hole singer admits she wanted to die recently.

Orange News reports Courtney Love surprised fans by sharing suicide thoughts with them. Her husband, Kurt Cobain, took his own life 16 years ago.
The singer revealed she has been really depressed lately and thought about committing suicide.
It was just a few months ago that the star told media she was not suicidal and was staying away from drugs to avoid thinking suicidal thoughts.
Love recently lost custody of her 17-year old daughter, Frances Bean. She admits she is disgusted with herself and she has become a danger to herself.
She told NME magazine: "I think a lot of people idealize suicide. I understand it. I had an episode two weeks ago when I was tempted to jump out of a window. I’m not saying why but the reason behind it is self-loathing. You know, wouldn’t it be better if I was not there? I’ve always been pretty self-destructive. I need protection from myself."
Courtney Love announced this week that she no longer wanted to use her stage name and wanted to be called Courtney Michelle.
She also admitted she is tired of answering questions about her late husband. She declared, "I am not his spokesperson on Earth."