
Quebec baby boom

The population in Quebec keeps on growing and growing.

Quebec has more and more births, despite the fact that the fertility rate remains stable.

According to the Institut de la statistique du Québec or ISQ (Quebec Institute of Statistics), this phenomenon is due to the fact that there were more women of childbearing age in 2009.

The government website outlines the numbers: "In 2009, 88,600 babies were born in Québec, i.e 1% more than in 2008 (87,600). The total fertility rate was 1.731 children per woman, similar to its level in 2008 (1.735). The slight increase in the number of women of childbearing age explains why there was both an increase in births and a stable fertility rate. The average age at maternity rose to 29.8 years and is 28.0 years at the birth of a first child."

Demographer Chantal Girard says: "When you consider fertility, mortality and migration, our projections no longer report a possible decline in Quebec’s population, but an increase,  for the first time in many years."

So, contrary to predictions, the Quebec population is growing. Girard adds: "Contrary to what many people think, the Quebec population is not dwindling but increasing. It’s happening at a slower rate than our neighbours, but increasing nonetheless. It will rise slowly and eventually stabilize, if the trend continues, at about 9 million or a little over 9 million people. Currently, there are approximately 7.8 million people in Quebec. We could stabilize at around 9 million in 30 or 40 years."