
Ringo Starr offers his two cents

Ringo Starr thinks the Vatican should deal with more important matters.

The Vatican’s official newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano, announced that the Catholic Church forgives the Beatles.
40 years ago, John Lennon said that The Beatles were "more popular than Jesus". This angered a lot of Catholics and even the pope at the time made a public comment.
Now, an article sanctioned by the Pope himself reads: "It’s true, they took drugs; swept up by their success, they lived dissolute and uninhibited lives. But, listening to their songs, all of this seems distant and meaningless. Their beautiful melodies, which changed forever pop music and still give us emotions, live on like precious jewels."
Ringo Starr responded to the article by saying, "Didn’t the Vatican say we were satanic? And they still forgive us?" 
The Beatles’ drummer then appeared to refer to the child abuse scandals currently engulfing the church around the world. He offered some advice: "I think [the Vatican] has more to talk about than the Beatles."