
Adoptive parents gets the blues too

The baby blues are not just experienced by mothers who gave birth to their child.

The baby blues affect not only biological mothers but those who have just adopted a child. This type of depression can also affect some new adoptive fathers too.

Karen J. Foli is an assistant professor of nursing and an adoptive mother. She interviewed 21 adoptive parents about their adoption and depression experiences, as well as 11 adoption experts and professionals.

She explains, "People often hear about postpartum blues when having a baby, but the emotional well-being of adoptive parents once the child is placed in the home is not really talked about."

Her findings are published in this month’s Western Journal of Nursing Research.

She describes the feelings adoptive parents experience: "In this study, the majority of the adoptive parents who self-reported having experienced depression after the child was placed in their home often described unmet or unrealistic expectations of him or herself, the child, family and friends, or society."

Foli goes on to say that "Postadoption depression not only affects the parents, but it also has an influence on the well-being of the child."

Experts stress that it is essential for adoptive parents to feel supported and encouraged. Some should even consult adoption professionals who can give them advice.