
Hello, hello, is there anybody in there?

Roger Waters brings The Wall to life… with stops in Montreal, Ottawa, TO and Vancouver.

Pink Floyd’s rock opera The Wall is more than 30 years old. It remains one of the most influential albums in the history of music. A kid listening to it now will find the album’s message as relevant today as it was when it first came out on November 30, 1979.

This is one of the top five best selling albums of all time in the United States. Former Pink Floyd bassist Roger Waters wrote nearly the whole album by himself.  Now he is bringing it back to life on a North American tour that kicks off on September 15 at Toronto’s Air Canada Centre.

All in all, there are 35 scheduled stops on the upcoming tour, including three more in Canada. Waters will be performing on October 17 at Scotiabank Place in Ottawa and on October 19 at the Bell Centre in Montreal. He will hit General Motors Place in Vancouver on December 10 during the western portion of the tour.

Waters told "30 Years ago when I wrote The Wall I was a frightened young man. Well, not that young — I was 36 years old. It took me a long time to get over my fears."

He goes on to say: "This new production of The Wall is an attempt to draw some comparisons, to illuminate our current predicament, and is dedicated to all the innocent lost in the intervening years."

Back in 1990, Roger Waters performed The Wall with a bunch of guests in Berlin to mark the fall of the wall in that German city.