
Beware of toxoplasmosis

Pregnant women should not take the risk of toxoplasmosis or litter box disease lightly.

The parasite Toxoplasma gondii causes toxoplasmosis. It is normally found in dirt and in cat feces. It can also come from eating contaminated meat that is raw or not well cooked or from using utensils or cutting boards after they’ve been in contact with raw meat.

Most people infected with toxoplasmosis never actually get sick. If they do, it is a mild illness characterized by swollen lymph nodes and minor discomfort. Once a person becomes infected they are immunized for the rest of their life.

However, If a pregnant woman contracts toxoplasmosis, the illness can cause irreparable damage to the unborn child. If the parasite gets past the placenta’s barrier during the first trimester when the foetus’ immune system is nonexistent, it can cause neurological defects, serious eye problems or even death.

If contamination takes place during the last trimester, the effects are less serious. The baby’s immune system has developed by this point and can fight the parasite.

Pregnant women should eat well-cooked meat and wash vegetables thoroughly. They should also wash their hands thoroughly and scrub their nails. Pregnant woman should always wear gardening gloves and, if possible, get their partner to change the litter box. If this is not possible, it is recommended that they wear gloves.