
King of Pop responsible for his own death?

Michael Jackson administered that fatal dose of Propofol himself.

Music-News reports that Dr. Conrad Murray’s defence team is claiming that Michael Jackson administered the fatal dose of Propofol himself.

The King of Pop died from a Propofol overdose last June. His personal physician, Conrad Murray, is charged with involuntary manslaughter and accused of giving Jackson the drug.

Murray pleaded not guilty to the charges against him. His lawyers are going to argue that the singer gave himself the lethal dose, and not Murray.

The defence team argues that Murray administered a mild dose of Propofol to the singer so he could sleep. They say the doctor then left the room and the star, unable to fall alseep, gave himself another dose of the drug which caused his death.

The defence team will also explain how Murray returned to find the singer unconscious and state that he immediately tried to revive him.

Murray’s lawyers will also attempt to prove that Jackson had been addicted to Propofol for a long time.

A bodyguard on the scene the day Jackson died and who contacted 911 says that Dr. Conrad Murray stopped giving CPR to the singer in order to quickly hide pill bottles before the authorities arrived.