
Miley Cyrus is going techno

After taking a short music break, Miley Cyrus’ next album is influenced by Lady Gaga.

Singer and actress Miley Cyrus announced earlier this year that she was taking a break from music to concentrate on her movie career. But she still has an album in the works that will be released this summer.

According to the singer, this new album will be different from the others. She says it will have a more techno feel.

Cyrus says, "My record is coming out this summer. I’m excited about that. I’m looking forward to that, and then hopefully I can continue to do more films. [The album is] a little different. It’s kind of poppier, but then it still has an edge. All of my music kind of has to. I think it’s really fun. It’s definitely a good summer CD. It’s good to blast in your car."

Miley Cyrus goes on to say that her next album has some real Lady Gaga-inspired influences. She adds, "My new record has more of a techno vibe on some stuff."