
Learning to separate yourself from your child

The day has arrived when you need to leave your child in the care of others.

It’s the first day of daycare or with a nanny. It is normal that your child cries and even more normal and common for parents to be upset too.

The best way to get through it is to accept your child’s tears and your own sense of helplessness. Do not deny your emotions. Find comforting words to say to your child. Some great examples are: "We’ll be back soon", "Have fun with your friends". This can help you feel better too.

Stick to your guns and do what you say. When you say goodbye, leave, even if she cries and the guilt tugs at your heart. The more you hesitate, the more the baby will know that it is a way to keep you with her. Continue doing this and the baby will calm down and even look forward to going.

Establish a regular schedule for activities, meals, naps. This really helps children grow and flourish. Do not look for excuses to keep a child at home with you. If the child is scheduled to be with a nanny every day, take her.

Regularity helps children gain control over their life and take steps towards more independence and confidence. Yes, this means parents have to slowly cut the cord.